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Garan Fitness Consulting
Jan 92 min read
90% Compliance!
Unless you are a professional body builder, or competing at a very high level, I ask what level of compliance is necessary to get great...
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Garan Fitness Consulting
Dec 15, 20242 min read
New Year, New You! Quick Tips for Changing Your life.
As the New Year approaches, many will decide to finally make a positive change and “get into shape!” The problem for many, is defining...
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Garan Fitness Consulting
Jul 2, 20242 min read
Should older adults add amino acids into their diets for better muscle gain?
Essentially, protein is the building block of muscle. When we exercise, we break down the muscle and then we need to rebuild that...
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Garan Fitness Consulting
Jul 1, 20242 min read
What rep schemes are best for you, depending upon what your goals are?
I will put it this way. To gain strength, go with heavy weights for low reps. To gain size, such as body building, use higher reps...
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Garan Fitness Consulting
Jun 25, 20242 min read
Proper footwear for specific types of training.
Let’s start out with shoes designed for jogging/running. I will not get into specific brands of shoes here, but TYPES of shoes. For...
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Garan Fitness Consulting
Jun 16, 20242 min read
Keep Moving!
They say time waits for no one, and that is a simple fact. While we cannot stop time, we CAN control what we do with it, at least for...
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Garan Fitness Consulting
Sep 7, 20231 min read
A Good Fitness Coach
One of the things a good coach must have, in fact is the ability to listen to their client and understand WHAT their goals are and to...
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Garan Fitness Consulting
Dec 17, 20222 min read
Doing what is necessary to maintain the fitness lifestyle.
So I have been personally training now for going on 44 years now, having started when I was 12 years old. Additionally, over the years I...
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Garan Fitness Consulting
Dec 11, 20222 min read
Foods that help you lose fat, or are Anti-Inflammatory
So when it comes to diet for health and fitness, there is always some confusion. One “expert” will tell you one thing while another...
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Garan Fitness Consulting
Nov 22, 20222 min read
Becoming MORE than just a Personal Trainer
I have been training others for over 27 years now, and it has always been about taking the client’s goals and turning them into reality. ...
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Garan Fitness Consulting
Oct 11, 20223 min read
What exactly is Gym Anxiety?
For m any people who want to change their lives and get into better shape, there is something that holds them back from making those...
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Garan Fitness Consulting
Sep 29, 20223 min read
Quick Tips for the Tactical Athlete.
Being, or becoming a Tactical Athlete in the Police, Fire/Rescue or those that are or want to be in the Military fields must be...
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Garan Fitness Consulting
Sep 12, 20223 min read
Thinking Out of the Box, Memories, and Taking that First Step.
So the last of my clients has left tonight at 10 pm. It was a great day. All of my clients are improving, so that is a plus. I was...
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Garan Fitness Consulting
Sep 8, 20223 min read
Success Stories. YOU Can Do It Too.
So while I generally share posts on HOW you can improve yourself, this post will be about some successes my clients have recently had. ...
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Garan Fitness Consulting
Sep 8, 20222 min read
What does the Tactical Officer have to do to be fit.
As a retired Police Officer that became a Detective ran our department’s fitness program and ran our department’s Tactical Operation’s...
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Garan Fitness Consulting
Sep 7, 20222 min read
What is Rest/Pause Training, and how can it help you make more gains?
For those just reading this, I have been personally training for over 43 years now, and sadly it’s almost 44! I have been training...
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Garan Fitness Consulting
Sep 2, 20223 min read
Am I being Lazy, or do I Really Need an Extra Day Off From Working Out? THAT is the Question!
So yesterday was a scheduled workout day for me. I scheduled myself for an upper body workout that included shoulders, chest, abs,...
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Garan Fitness Consulting
Sep 1, 20223 min read
Why did I become a personal trainer?
While I have been training others for over 26 years now, there are a few things that make my training style unique. I believe ALL...
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Garan Fitness Consulting
Sep 1, 20223 min read
So some people say that a calorie is a calorie. Is this true?
The answer is a simple NO! Not all calories are equal and that is why we must understand HOW they differ. This is why so many fad...
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Garan Fitness Consulting
Aug 30, 20222 min read
Do you NEED to do cardio every day to lose weight?
The answer is simply NO! While cardio is PART of a weight loss (fat loss) plan, it is not the only component. To me there are...
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