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- Energy or Chi? What does it mean?
Energy, mindset and a martial artist’s Chi are essentially the same. Essentially, they all mean one thing, which is “life force.” To me successful at anything in life you MUST put in the work to succeed. That can be as the accountant studying what will make her a success. For the engineer, math is a must to understand the stresses that go into construction products. The same is true for any athlete. You must practice technique over and over and over so muscle memory kicks in and it is second nature. As a cop, I had to shoot firearms over and over until I didn’t have to aim at the target. I could simply point and shoot. It was like the firearm was an extension of my body. The same is true with fitness. Whatever your goal, you must repeat the action over and over not only in your body but also mind. So for someone that lifts weights it can mean not only the mindset of the lifting technique, but also the preparation leading up to the lift? Did I stretch enough, did I eat the proper foods and in the proper quantities? Did I get enough sleep? All these things come into play when in competition. The same is true for the martial artist. Did I do EVERYTHING that I should have done to train me for this competition? So where does this energy or framework come from? The energy flows through your mind and body. To be successful you must meditate or believe that there is NO WAY you will fail. It is your life’s energy. When in competition, if you have a shred of doubt that you will fail…YOU WILL. Doubt will destroy you. To be successful in any endeavor in life, you must practice your skill until it simply becomes that extension of your body and soul. It must be second nature. While I am a Christian, that does not mean I cannot learn things from other religions. All of the major religions essentially teach the same lessons. Yes, there are some differences, but they all teach you to honor your parents and not to kill people unless it is a necessity. While I train the body, I study other people’s beliefs. Can I gain anything from that? If so, I USE it! To improve your body, first focus on the mind. Define your goals and improve upon them. Once you do that, you have found the roadmap to success. You will be victorious! Now when I am talking meditation, I am not saying you have to sit with your legs crossed chanting Omm Omm Omm. I am suggesting, sitting back, relaxing and planning out your path to success over and over in your mind. Once it is in your mind, it becomes one with your body! This is the key to success whatever endeavor you are on. If you want to know more and are in the greater Cleveland areas such as Kent, Stow, Tallmadge, Brimfield or surrounding areas or want online training, visit me at, at FB at Garan Fitness Consulting or Garan Fitness Tactical Training or at Youtube at Garan Fitness Consulting. Additionally, you can contact me at 330-554-1345. Scott
- What is my best advice for someone that fell off track as far as their fitness program??
As a M aster Fitness Trainer that has been helping others for over 26 years now, the answer is simple. Get back in the saddle and keep moving ahead. It’s really that simple! I feel the health and fitness lifestyle is a journey! Like any journey, you will have ups and downs. In a car trip, you may pick up a nail and have a flat tire. Do you let that stop your journey? The answer to this question is NO. You simply get someone to plug the tire or replace the tire and move ahead. When walking to a destination and it starts pouring rain, do you simply stop, or do you push ahead? You keep your head down and push ahead. The same is true in the fitness journey! No one is perfect. In fact when I get a new client I do not expect them to be super athletes with a perfect diet, perfect lifting and perfect cardio programs all at once. It is unrealistic. I take baby steps until they can handle it all. We ALL suffer setbacks. In fact tonight, I am off on getting all the protein I planned for tonight. For whatever reason, I am having trouble getting it in. I just don’t feel hungry. That doesn’t matter, as tomorrow I will be back on track. This MUST be your mindset when getting fit. There will be ups and downs. The main thing is to KEEP improving, day by day. Tonight while struggling with my food, I am adding in some light martial arts, just to keep improving. As long as you are making progress, you are winning! For my clients, I always allow one “cheat meal” a week. Anything you want. If it’s pizza or wings DO IT! This helps you stay sane. Cheat tonight, but tomorrow get back on the wagon. These little controlled setbacks will help you in the long run. You can tell yourself, “Friday me and my friends are getting wings” so tonight I am staying on track. This is true for every aspect of your training. Don’t over think things. Stay the course and put one foot in front of the other, every day. If you are in the Kent, Ohio or North East Ohio region, contact me at 330-554-1345 or Garan Fitness Consulting or Garan Fitness Tactical Training on FB, or Youtube at Garan Fitness Consulting for more info. I can help you reach your fitness goals. Scott
- What is the preferred method of exercise?
I often get asked, what is the preferred method of exercising. To be fair, there isn’t one. To me, to be successful at life, exercise cannot be one dimensional. It must be multi-faceted. Now here I am talking about overall, general fitness. To be healthy and fit, your program must include strength/resistance training, cardio, stretching, proper rest/recovery, and sound sleep to name a few aspects. To be fit, we must be prepared to perform the task at hand, and I say a little more. This means that if my job requires me to lift 40 lbs over and over throughout the day, I should train to be able to lift 50 or 60 pound repeatedly if the occasion arises. The same can be said about cardio. If I am required to walk 20 yards over and over throughout the day, I should train to be able to walk 60 years over and over should it be needed. Always train for an event which is over your daily requirements. This is especially true should you need to defend yourself against an attack. You should be strong and agile and have enough cardio to protect yourself, but be able to not only defend yourself, but have the ability to go beyond just defense. You should have enough reserves to end the fight quickly. I even include Kung Fu training into my routine for both self defense, but also cardio. While self defense may not be your initial thought when getting fit, coming from a retired police officer this goal was always in the back of my mind. I always prayed I never needed this ability, but always prepared for it. Now, to protect yourself it may not be actual combat, but may simply be having the ability and stamina to run and get away from an attacker. Self preservation should be your primary goal, and having a sound diet and fitness plan are the keys to success. Train to live another day. At Garan Fitness Consulting, I train those in the Kent, Oh and surrounding Northeast Ohio areas how to get fit. Additionally, I have an online platform that allows me to reach those outside the area. All of my plans are designed around the individual’s goals. That can be fat loss, strength building or any number of other goals. Want to know more, contact me at 330-554-1345, on FB at Garan Fitness Consulting or Garan Fitness Tactical Training, or on Youtube at Garan Fitness Consulting.
- Close Quarter Battle for the Tactical Athlete.
As a police officer, I had the opportunity to do many things over my career. I started out as a Patrol Officer and did such things as Bike Patrol Officer, Detective and Tactical Operations. Over that time I had the opportunity to train with various people and one man was a former British SAS Operative for Hostage Rescue. So he taught us a handgun technique which is quite interesting. It is essentially for Close Quarter Battle (CQB) and good for about 20 feet or less when hitting a target. In CQB, you do NOT have to align the front and back sites of your handgun. You must simply use the front site of the weapon and place it on the target. Now as you un-holster, you simply look for the front blade and place it on his or her body where your eyes naturally adjust when you are looking at your watch. Instead of choosing an isosceles or weaver stance keep the gun close with the front site and they eyes do not have to adjust to site the target in. This may only save you fractions of a second, but that could be the difference between winning a gunfight and losing one. In combat, no matter hand to hand or with a weapon, you MUST create an advantage. This technique WILL. I suggest practicing it for CQB. Longer distance targets will of course force you take a more traditional stance. Practice ways to WIN, but keep practicing! If you want to know more contact me at or at 330-554-1345. Scott
- Training for the Tactical Athlete. The Three Main Things.
For the Tactical officer or those wanting to become one, there are many things to consider. First our jobs are unlike most. I mean when I was a cop I could on some days take four lunch breaks and others, I was lucky to have a power bar or protein shake while driving to the next call. So nutrition is a BIG part of the package. For this, I recommend meal prepping. Now in fire houses and the military food is generally prepared for you, but not so in police work. For the police officer you either brought your lunch or went for fast food. I do NOT recommend the latter. Now our station did have a full kitchen, but if you got a call while you were cooking, you had to turn it off and finish later. So having the basics already prepared was the key to staying nutritionally on track. Additionally, whether you are in the Military, Fire/Rescue or a Police Officer we have a job that can go from sedentary to action in a split second. Not true for the average worker. Therefore, you must be prepared to physically overcome the challenges you face if faced with combat or a fire/rescue. To do this, you must be physically a “jack of all trades.” Perhaps not the strongest person around, but STRONG. Perhaps not the fastest person around, but FAST enough to get to cover under fire, or to escape a burning building that is collapsing around you. You may not be the best at endurance training, but once again you must be FIT enough to meet the cardio needs of your occupation. So you cannot simply train with weights and fail to do cardio. You MUST train for ANY event you may encounter under times of duress. You must be ready for EVERYTHING! And finally, I want to talk about mental fitness. All of the career choices in the Tactical arena can tax your mental fitness. Let’s face it, in all of these career paths we will most likely see dead bodies and people maimed and injured. It can be on the battlefield, in a bad car accident, or some random act of violence. I myself have PTSD from all the “fun” I had at work. Take the time to practice your faith, share your pain with your family or someone else that “get’s” what you are going through and don’t be ashamed to seek professional help if needed. I see too many stories of suicides by veterans of the Militar, Police and Fire/Rescue. Being a Tactical Officer, no matter which branch, is a rewarding career. I loved helping others. Still, the job does come with a high cost. Eating healthy, taking care of your physical fitness as well as your mental fitness are the keys to longevity in challenging fields. If you want to know more, go to, or FB at Garan Fitness Consulting or Garan Fitness Tactical Training. Additionally, you can find video guides on Youtube at Garan Fitness Consulting. If you wish to contact me, go to or Garan Fitness Consulting at 330-554-1345. I also do one on one and online training, so reach out to me if you are interested in learning more. Scott
- Does your Metabolism Slow as you age?
A question that often comes up is, does your metabolism slow as you age. The answer is generally YES, but it does not have to be this way. In general, after our 20’s, we lose about 10 lbs of muscle each decade. While we may not gain or lose weight, it simply means we are losing 10 lbs of muscle and replacing it with fat. Our weight remains the same, but we start to get saggy and flabbier over time. So what can we do? The key to preventing this is weight or resistance training. Muscle burns calories all the time, while fat simply hangs on us for an anticipated famine should one arise. For a comparison, a gram of fat has 9 calories, while carbs and proteins each contain 4 calories. Alcohol contains 7. By building, or at least maintaining our muscle mass over the decades, we can stave off this slowing of our metabolism. To be honest, exercise is the closest thing to the fountain of youth we have yet to find. So you may not be a serious all out fitness nut like I am, but you don’t have to be. If you one, great, but if not I suggest a simple 3 day a week weight/resistance routine, training the whole body. I suggest a simple shoulder exercise, chest, back, legs, biceps, triceps and ab movements. This should help you stay relatively fit, as long as you are also doing some basic cardio like fast walking several times a week. If you want to avoid getting saggy over the coming years, add a simple weight/resistance training program into your life. Your body and self esteem will thank you. If you want to know more, go to, or FB at Garan Fitness Consulting or Garan Fitness Tactical Training. Additionally, you can find video guides on Youtube at Garan Fitness Consulting. If you wish to contact me, go to or Garan Fitness Consulting at 330-554-1345. I also do one on one and online training, so reach out to me if you are interested in learning more. Scott
- Baby Steps and Dieting
Dieting and losing weight can be tricky. Let’s face it, it is NOT easy. Yet the biggest mistake I see people making that are new to fitness is going ALL IN at once! Now this may seem counterintuitive, but it’s true. If you are new to fitness and have sat on the couch eating potato chips and drinking pop the last 7 years, you simply cannot overwhelm yourself by becoming an “instant perfect athlete.” It simply won’t happen. You will most likely burn out quickly and fall back to your old ways. I have seen this happen. Someone starts out eating the “perfect’ diet, working out three days a week and doing cardio 3 or 4 days a week. If you can make it work, then do it but be cautious. I am not putting this plan down, I am just suggesting for someone new to fitness it may be better to take baby steps. If a new client comes to me and wants to get fit, the first thing I ask them to do with their diet is cut out fast foods and useless calories like pop and start to cook home cooked meals. They don’t have to be perfect meals, but get in the habit of cooking and meal prepping. We can tweak the diet later, but this simple start will get them headed in the right direction. Avoid boxed meals and COOK basic unprocessed meals. You WILL start seeing results from this simple change. Now, the workout design part is my job, but I generally start new clients off with a three day a week whole body workout. This helps establish their fitness base. If you don’t have myself, or another trainer helping you, hit a Shoulder exercise, Chest, Back, legs, Biceps, Triceps, and Ab movements. This is a great beginning point. You can see some of my other posts for extra tips. As for Cardio, mix things up. Maybe Bike one day, then the next day do the Treadmill, or run on a track. Some days push hard for less time, and then next time, go further but at a slower pace. Over time, you will start seeing results, and then you can start tightening things up. Once you have been preparing meals and are comfortable with it, start cutting out pastas and cut back on rice and other dense foods and start preparing healthier meals. Always have a protein with every meal. Buy a good cook book and start preparing meals with healthier ingredients. Continue your workouts but add in subtle changes to keep the body and mind growing and guessing. This baby step approach will help you start getting into the fitness lifestyle without getting so overwhelmed and then quitting. If you want to know more, go to, or FB at Garan Fitness Consulting or Garan Fitness Tactical Training. Additionally, you can find video guides on Youtube at Garan Fitness Consulting. If you wish to contact me, go to or Garan Fitness Consulting at 330-554-1345. I also do one on one and online training, so reach out to me if you are interested in learning more. Scott
- What helped me gain success in my fitness career.
While I normally share things that are specific as to HOW to improve your Health and Fitness, tonight I am shifting gears. Tonight’s topic is the 3 major things that helped me achieve success in my field as Master Trainer. The first thing is both of my parents and how they raised me. Now, while I will mention that they both bought me this cheap little plastic and concrete weight set when I was 12 for Christmas and it changed my life ( I know own a full gym) , I will not dwell upon it here. It was a huge impact, but I have posted on this before, so I want to discuss 3 OTHER things. The first thing I want to discuss is a strong work ethic taught to me by my parents. To succeed in life, you must work hard at the goals you have set for yourself. You must seriously believe “in your heart” that this is the right path you have chosen. You cannot doubt this goal. My dad worked in the baking industry his whole life, starting out as a truck mechanic, but eventually travelling the world as a consultant as to HOW to set up the design of a successful layout for production lines in his industry. He is the toughest man I have ever met! He would work UNTIL the job was complete, no matter how exhausted he was. On the other hand, my mom worked at the U.S. Post Office for 20 years and was very successful. Still, she had time for us to get us to ball games and practices and whatever we needed. When we were very young, she was our Cub Scouts Master. It was amazing, yet at the time, we never realized HOW much she sacrificed, as most kids don’t. I mean she was simply MOM at the time. We all need to be grateful for what our Mom’s did for us. Now while Parenting and Work Ethic was my first topic, the second will be Diet. This cannot be overlooked for any fitness success. I tell people to get big you MUST eat BIG. Additionally, you must use Portion Control to lose fat, portion control is the key. Not some silly fad diets. My brother and I are both rather big boys, so feeding the two of us, must have been a problem, yet they both did keep us fed and we succeeded. Mom always made home cooked meals including the simple “meat and potato” diet. We rarely ate out and the home cooked meals were what we needed. A good “beef stew” comes to mind when thinking of hardy meals. We occasionally ate out, but our basics were Mom’s home cooked meals. Truth be told, were here meals perfect compared to today’s standards in proper diet, the answer is NO! Yet, it did provide us with what we needed for our goals. When we needed to split wood, my brother and I ate a hardy meal of spaghetti and meat sauce along with a fruit and vegetable. (I didn’t always eat my veggies, but you get the idea.) Hell, she even made this delicious what I call “cheesy potato soup” which I still occasionally make from her recipe. My brother and I would eat until we were almost sick as it was so delicious! I think the difference may well be that we had sports workouts, but also had to do chores like splitting wood, shoveling coal for our furnace and other such labor. It was not easy, and we also would go work on our farm during the weekends. We just never questioned it. It was simply our life. Times have changed. We could get away with not eating super proper, as we were hard workers while also playing sports. The key for me here is these meals were “home cooked.” They were not some processed foods from a box. For a successful athlete today, you MUST not rely upon processed meals, but cook at home and meal prep. Finally, the last and most important thing I learned was to take care of family. Even when eating the “cheesy soup” we met around the kitchen table and discussed what our day consisted of. My Dad’s work day and his problems, my Mom’s problem’s at work, and what my Brother and I did in sports or what we learned at school. (My dad always had a loaf of Nickel’s bread at his feet as he would eat several pieces at each meal.) Today, I think we over think things that bring success in our lives. They are actually simple. I urge you to look back on the important things in life and you may realize it was a good work ethic and family! Unless you are an elite athlete, take life in stride. I am not saying give up and do anything you want expecting fitness gains, but I am saying find time for what’s important. I cannot decide for you what that is, but as I get older, I realize the importance of different things. Things that have meaning in your life. I have always been into fitness and sports and I encourage you to live that life style, but a simple “cheesy potato soup” with family may actually be the best remedy for what ails you. Stay on track with exercise, diet, and your goals, but if you stray, enjoy why you did and get back on track tomorrow. Enjoy your memories! Scott
- “Cardio” Love it or hate it?
I have to admit, that while I am a Master Fitness Trainer, I HATE cardio, especially running on a tread mill. Running outside not as much, but I never really got the running bug that others have. Now, when running in a sports game such as football or rugby, I was OK with it as there was a reason I was running. There was a purpose. While I know there is also a purpose in simply running, for obvious health reasons, you get me point. As I have mentioned before, to me change is the key to success. So if you are like me, change things up to keep your cardio interesting is a key to success. In the summer, I ride my bike outside or take walks. In winter, I have a stationary bike. Circuit training in the weight room is another great way to mix cardio into your program. Additionally, I love adding a mix or weights and boxing into my programs. Boxing is a great cardio builder and can get you into amazing shape. For this Boxing/Weight mix, I may have my clients do two shadow boxing moves on each side, and then move to a few weight movements. Then back to other punches or kicks and repeat. Finally after all the shadow boxing and moves, I will have them do a few rounds against the speed or heavy bag. That will definitely get your heart pumping. Again, changing up your workouts is what the body responds to. Additionally, it keeps the mind guessing so your workouts do not get stagnate. Keep changing it up for success. Scott
- So what are the three traits I feel successful clients all have?
First, I say it is the TRUE desire to change. Whether it is fat loss, muscle gain or some other sport success goal, you must TRULY want it. You cannot come in and say, “Well I kind of want to lose some weight.” If you do, then don’t contact me. I have been training others for over 26 years now, but cannot change your mind set. This includes what I call the three main factors in fitness success. You must be willing to change your diet, train and have a passion for sticking to your goal. If you only plan on doing one of two of these main factors, you will spin your wheels. You will NOT get the desired results you want and will fail. The second trait is the ability to push yourself. That means both physically and mentally. In the gym, you must try to do more than you did the last time. That can mean adding as little as a pound to your exercises on the next workout or forcing yourself to do one more rep. To grow and improve, we MUST continue to push ourselves. When it comes to this, I explain it this way. If we sit in the sun too long, we get sunburned. The body’s response is to produce more melanin to protect itself. Exercise works in much the same way. If I only do 10 reps of Curls with 10 lbs. for three sets I will never grow. Yet, when I start doing 3 sets of 10 reps with 12 lbs. my body realizes I have damaged myself and it will repair itself. Then it says I will grow a little more muscle, so next time there is no damage. Then once I jump to 15 lb. dumbbells, it repeats the process. This is how the body grows. When it comes to diet, you must also be willing to make changes. Cutting back on carbs, or pop, or pasta or whatever is your nemesis. Now, as I have mentioned before, unless you are a competitive athlete I do suggest a cheat meal through the week. This can be something like pizza, wings or whatever you like that may not be the healthiest. If you and the boys and or girls go out for pizza and beer on Friday, DO IT! If you have been training hard and eating right all week, enjoy a cheat meal. We still have to live life. This keeps us on target and also SANE. If you know Friday you are cheating, stay on track the rest of the week. This is not too much to ask. Finally, the last trait is simply being able to stick with the path you have chosen. So many decide that “I am going to get fit,” and start out with a healthy diet and exercise, but soon quickly fall off. This is particularly true after New Year’s day. If you go to a gym on January 2nd , it will be packed. In three months it is down to only a few. I blame this on trying to do too much too soon. Don’t over think fitness. Consistency is the key. You don’t have to be perfect, you just have to be consistent! When I train my clients, I take baby steps. I don’t expect you to eat 100% healthy on day one as well as train perfectly and do your cardio on every scheduled day. Life is real, and it does get in the way. What is important is that you once again are consistent! Miss a meal, OK get the next one in. Did your kid get sick and you had to miss a training session? If so, as soon as they get better, get back on track. You get the point. If you do these three things you will see results. Fitness is about a better life. You do not have to be a professional Body Builder or Competitive Athlete to enjoy what fitness will give you. Do your best and enjoy life to its fullest. Scott If you want to know more, please go to, or FB at Garan Fitness Consulting or Garan Fitness Tactical Training. You can also check out my Youtube channel, Garan Fitness Consulting. Additionally, I have an online training platform where I can help you get results. For more information contact me at any of the above listings or call me at 330-554-1345. Afternoons or evenings are best.
- So what are three things that people must know before hiring me?
Recently I have been chatting with a guy that MAY want to hire me, but he is on the fence. He asked why he should hire me, instead of just joining some robot fitness app. First, I have personally been training for over 43 years now and have been training others for over 26 years. Experience counts! I am a Master Trainer and am certified as a Personal Trainer, Youth Fitness Trainer, Specialist in Fitness Nutrition, Specialist in Exercise Therapy, Specialist in Body Building, Specialist in Tactical Training as well as a Specialist in Strength and Conditioning all through the International Sports Sciences Association. (ISSA) Additionally I am a certified Nautilus Trainer as well as Physical Fitness Specialist through the Ohio Peace Officer Training Council. Once again experience counts. Second my clients DO get success, IF they follow my guidance. Being a personal trainer is a job where most trainers don’t last long. Competition is strong, so if you don’t get client’s success quickly, you will not last. Once again I have been training others for over 26 years. I know what I call “old school lifts and techniques” that have been lost through time. Purple Planet and other boxed gym trainers use “canned” programs that are one size fits all. Not me, I specifically design your program around YOUR goals whether it is fat loss, muscle gain or something else. I will show you lifts and techniques that you will rarely see in other gyms. Again, I have been personally training for over 43 years. Finally, I am demanding. If you hire me, don’t waste my time if you are not willing to put in the effort and do the work that is necessary to have success. If you are not willing to do the work necessary for success, go somewhere else. My time is limited, and I have problems fitting people into the time slots I have available for one-on-one training. That includes a proper diet, showing up on time for your workout, and being will to do cardio on your own time. I have been doing this for years and will know if you are doing your part or not. If you want results and are willing to put in the time and effort, I WILL get you results! I am Garan Fitness Consulting. Scott Want to know more, visit me at or you can find me on Facebook at Garan Fitness Consulting or Garan Fitness Tactical Training. Additionally, you can visit my Youtube Channel at Garan Fitness Consulting or if you want online training, I have an interactive platform set up for that. Just reach out to me at the above website or at 330-554-1345.
- So one of the things I am expanding into now is online training. This is how and why.
For the last 26 years, I have been training people one on one. My problem is I am running out of time slots to train people, yet I enjoy helping others. Therefore, I now have a platform to train others online. This is a great platform where I can suggest exercises, diet advice and everything else fitness related over the net. What is so great about it as far as I am concerned is I can download videos to show you the specific exercises you need to do. Therefore, you can see HOW to do the proper exercise and I can change the reps and sets used for each exercise, based upon your individual goals. That can be fat loss, muscle gain or sport specific training. It’s like being with me in the gym, but less expensive. The only downside is I am NOT there to spot you, so you have to be cautious when going heavy. Conversely, once you complete a workout you can send me the results and I can make timely adjustments so you can continue to progress. I am a retired detective, but still only 55, so while I don’t need this job I am too young and ambitious to simply sit in front of the TV waiting to die. This is one of the reasons I keep my prices lower than many other trainers. To me, I get to help those that cannot afford the high prices of other trainers and I stay busy so I am not just sitting in front of the TV and watching re-runs of “I Love Lucy.” Covid has changed the face of personal training as so many trainers are turning to online training as an alternative. Personally, I love one on one interaction’s, but if that is not a reliable option for someone, then online training is the right choice. While perhaps not one on one, choosing me is a reliable option as I have been training others for over 26 years now. Few other trainers have that type of longevity. Some do, but this is a business where trainers do not stay in business for long. Why have I been successful at training others for so long? It’s simple. I get my clients results. In the end, if you do not know HOW to design and change a workout plan to progress, find someone that does. If you don’t, you will simply spin your wheels. If you can afford it, I would suggest one on one training. I feel it is the best option. If you are far away from me and that IS AN option find another qualified trainer. There are many out there. If you cannot afford one, or have difficulty with time constraints, then contact me for online training. I WILL get you the results you desire. While I would love to have your business, YOUR success is what is important to me. There is no greater gift than health through a proper diet, exercise and a good cardio program. This is the path for success. If you want to know more, please go to, or FB at Garan Fitness Consulting or Garan Fitness Tactical Training. You can also check out my Youtube channel Garan Fitness Consulting. Additionally, I do online training, so if you are interested you can contact me on my web page or at 330-554-1345. Scott